21st Century Town Hall Meetings


Registration Now Open for November Legislative Operations Course

CMF and the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University (GAI) are pleased to announce that registration is open for our joint multi-day online training on "Legislative Operations for Congressional Staff," which will be held November 8 and November 19. CMF and GAI have a combined 70 years of experience explaining how Congress really works to the public, Executive Branch employees, and the private sector.

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Frustrated with Congress? Write Better Emails

This summer, Rasmussen Reports conducted a public opinion survey that found that only 21% of voters feel that most members of Congress care what their constituents think. There's plenty of blame to go around as to the cause for voters' cynicism. Highly polarized politics, partisan rhetoric, the media, and shows like House of Cards serve to reinforce the misperception that power in Congress is limited to just a few Members in leadership positions and constituents don't matter.

The Advocacy Leaders Network workshop on November 17 considered another contributor – Bad writing!

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